Monday 29 December 2008

Welcome To My Blog.

Hi, I'm teowl and i've made the decision to start playing Lord Of The Rings Online in february. being a WoW veteran i am looking forward to this new game but also at the same time feeling anxious about it. really can't work out if i'm going to like it or not untill i try it, so the only thing i have to do now is try it.

anyho...i made this blog to track my progess and write down my thoughs on the game for anyone that would like to read. i do hope that people can be inspired by my writings in the future and that it may help people in LotRO.



  1. Hey Teowl,

    I think that being active on MMORPG also setting up your own blog is a great idea to communicate your feelings to others in the MMORPG community.

    One of the most unfortunate realities that I find existing in the MMORPG world is the fact that they're all designed with the "power leveler" in mind.

    There are a lot of MMORPG fans though that are more "roleplayers" at heart and are just interested in setting up a fun and interesting community of players who want to have fun together.

    So far the only way that I've been able to accomplish and establish this kind of game play is through guilds.

    I've been the guild leader of several guilds in the last 12+ years. Starting with UO, then EQ and then DAOC and so on up to WOW.

    All of my guilds have been very serious "roleplaying" guilds..... not "raiding guilds."

    Where the focus was always on having fun and roleplaying rather then leveling. Once you establish a guild like this, you'll find others that want to have that kind of playing experience and they are usually the kinds of players that are nice to play with and willing to become good friends.

    So usually when you start consistantly playing with four or more other people, then you have enough for a group and then you don't need to worry about bumping into or playing with people you don't want to be around.

    What I would do would be to go and hunt in places that were off the beaten path.

    Anyway, this is just an idea.

    Hope you find what your looking for... :)

  2. Thanks for your reply Dave.
    alot of what you said is very helpful and definatly reflects the way i feel about gaming on an MMORPG. it was nice to read about your thoughs aswell.
    thank you.
